Primatone Musical Instruments
Tuned to Perfection
Every discerning musician requires the very best from their equipment and Primatone was established on the principle that only the very best will do. The ideal instrument is the culmination of a conversation which arises from a single aim: inspiration. There are many ways these amps and cabinets can be tailored to your specific requirements.
The prices you see are guide prices and individually constructed boutique instruments may go up in cost (or down) dependent upon your exact wishes. Quality is assured in each and every hand-crafted instrument nonetheless. Consequently, if you are looking for something a little different, something that will take your playing to the next level, please contact us. Contact
Modelled on D-style amps, the instruments and their detailing have been reimagined with the modern player in mind. The Delta and the Skyliner both feature onboard the integrated active tube driven FX loop. Every amp is constructed one by one, calling on the finest hand-built and hand-wired traditions with an obsessive attention to detail and uncompromising workmanship.
These instruments are robust, built to last, to remain serviceable and provide years of enjoyment on the road.

Class A/B, 18W, tube rectified, cathode biased.
Combo styled after the Fender 5E3, with a Celestion 'Vintage 30' speaker.

50 Watt / 100 Watt head, two channels: Clean / Overdrive.
Classic styling of the D-style Overdrive Special™. Raw heavy-Rock power from a quartet of EL34s.

50 Watt / 100 Watt head, two channels: Clean / Overdrive. Reverb.
Voluminous reverb with a sultry, silken lead tone. This cat takes to a new level of guitar vocals.